Spas in Phuket – Go on, treat yourself!
Unlike in the west, Spa treatments and massage therapies in Thailand are relatively inexpensive and generally of a very good standard making them an easily affordable indulgence as part of your south-east Asian holiday. All of Thailand’s main tourist centers have Spa and Detox retreats and Phuket is no exception. In fact Phuket Spa & Massage establishments have sprung up all over the island and are extremely popular both with locals and tourists alike. They range from dedicated resorts with on-site treatment facilities to smaller, more specialized shops without accommodation, there is something to fit most budgets.
If you are looking to spend a fair proportion of your stay being pampered with the varied and exotic treatments and massage therapies then you may well choose to stay at one of the resorts that dedicates itself to this end. They have an enormous range of treatments that range from the basic massage and beauty products through to bathing in exotic substances and vitamin enriched body treatments. There are packages available and you may be able to bargain if you book it yourself and there are none of the ubiquitous commissions payable. If you just want to dip your toes in the water then you can always visit on an ad hoc basis.

No visit to Thailand would be complete without experiencing one of the many forms of massage available here. It will almost certainly be a part of any Spa package and to most one of the high points.
Thai massage is related to Ayurvedic Indian massage, it is an ancient healing system designed to create harmony in the body and It is renown worldwide for it’s therapeutic and relaxing properties. Many indulge for the relaxation factor alone but a Thai massage is also reputed to help with blood circulation, relieve muscular pain and reduce tension and headaches. A traditional Thai massage is usually taken without oil where the body is supported in various semi-yoga positions whilst lying prone. Various pressure points are targeted for stimulation to relieve energy blockages and release tension. If your muscles haven’t been stretched for a while it might be wise to ask the masseuse to go easy with you the first time.
AN Oil massages is much more relaxing than a Thai massage and akin to a massage as known to westerners. A selection of specialist oils are massaged into the body whilst you lay prone. Most will also offer treatments such as body scrubs, body wraps, facials, foot treatments and herbal steam baths.
Foot massage is another favorite with visitors, this is an ancient Chinese massage and has been used for more than 3,000 years. It holds that the sensory nerves of internal organs are spread throughout the body and are rooted at the feet. By applying pressure at specific points on the foot these internal organs can be stimulated to improve blood and lymph circulation and clear energy blockages. The masseuse uses hands, fingers, a small wooden stick and cream or oil to get the desired result.

Relatively recently a number of Detox and wellness centers have popped up on the island. They can reputedly relieve stress, anxiety, fatigue, addictions, anger, insomnia, low self-esteem and all the woes of the modern human condition.
This involves fasting, herbal drinks and cleaners, the courses are usually supervised by experienced staff and most participants reportedly don’t experience hunger. The aim is to clear the body of toxins and rebuild the immune system. A healthy amount of weight loss can also be expected.
With all of these treatments prices and quality vary and a recommendation from a friend, fellow tourist or internet review site might be a good guide. A recommendation from someone likely to collect a commission for taking you there might not be so unbiased.
Whether you have come to Phuket for a Beach and sightseeing trip and a spa treatment or massage is just a pleasant distraction or you have come for a holiday of pampering and treatments Phuket will have something for you and at the end of the day it just comes down to your desires and your budget.